The perception of the banking profession as portrayed by Hollywood movies like “Wolf of Wall Street,” “Chasing Madoff,” and “Too Big to Fail” has unfairly depicted it as an unscrupulous career pursued by those seeking quick financial gains. However, in reality, the banking profession is heavily regulated and monitored. As a banker with years of experience, I am passionate about changing people’s perceptions of this industry. I actively volunteer with organizations assisting newcomers to Canada and participate in associations promoting ethical and moral leadership training and mentorship.
At a certain point, one of my mentors encouraged me to pursue an MBA to further my banking career and take on leadership roles. However, I was determined to pursue a Master’s in Business Administration only if it aligned with my values and ethics. I extensively researched through online resources, spoke to industry peers and MBA students, and attended information sessions at various business schools in Toronto. Fortunately, a close friend shared a link to the Alfred Ford School of Management (AFSM) with me. When I discovered that AFSM specializes in Conscious Leadership, I knew it was the right path for me. I promptly contacted AFSM and enrolled in their program, despite the occasional challenges along the way. The knowledge I gained throughout my MBA journey has been invaluable.
Upon completing my courses, I embarked on a mission to promote conscious leadership and ethical decision-making in the corporate banking world. I actively engage within and outside the bank, participating in forums, writing articles, and joining committees to advocate for higher values and drive positive change. My MBA with a specialization in Conscious Leadership has been recognized by my employer, particularly for my contributions to the leadership team in Commercial Banking. I frequently write articles simplifying banking concepts and terminology to enhance financial literacy and understanding. One of my notable endeavors was an article on “How to prepare for franchising before approaching the bank,” which was selected by Canada’s leading franchise association and published in the January/February 2022 issue of ‘Franchise Canada,’ a national magazine. Moving forward, I will continue to promote Conscious Leadership through my involvement with various not-for-profit organizations.
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